Tooth Whitening

Are you conscious of your smile due to your yellow teeth?

The Perfect 32 can make you smile without any inhibitions by giving you sparkling white teeth you always longed for!! We do Single Sitting Tooth whitening using a whitening agent . The duration of the sitting is 60 min. You are a mere 60 min away from a sparkling white smile!!

Three fundamental bleaching approaches exist, namely,

  • Dentist supervised night guard bleaching
  • In-office or power bleaching 
  • Mass market bleaching products.

In-office bleaching generally uses relatively optimum levels of whitening agents,  for shorter time periods. The whitening gel is applied to the teeth after protection of the soft tissues and the peroxide may be further activated by heat or light. The in-office treatment can result in significant whitening after only one treatment visit.

Zoom whitening

It is a professional teeth whitening treatment that uses a special light-activated gel to remove stains and discoloration from teeth. It is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that can produce dramatic results in a single visit to the dentist.
During a zoom whitening treatment, the dentist will first apply a protective gel to the patient’s gums to prevent any irritation or sensitivity. Then, a specially-formulated hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth. The zoom light is then used to activate the gel, which breaks down stains and discoloration and whitens the teeth.
The entire procedure typically takes around an hour, and patients can see a noticeable improvement in the whiteness of their teeth immediately after the treatment. Zoom whitening is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile, and it can be customized to meet your specific needs and preferences.


Tooth whitening treatment is 100% safe, cost effective with guaranteed results & 8-12 months durable.

Highlights of cases done in our clinic